A spectator at the rally fell in front of a rushing race car

Author of the article: , published on August 24, 2019.

The (un) lucky spectator, who was watching one of the speed trials of the rally for the World Championship in Germany, fell awkwardly from his chosen place to watch, about five meters lower on the track, on which he was driving at high speed at that very moment. Mads Ostberg. Only the quick reactions of the racer can be thanked to the spectator that the rushing Citroen missed him by about half a meter, otherwise the incident could have ended fatally.

“If I had fallen half a second later, I wouldn’t have been able to avoid it,” Ostberg said. “He fell on his head and I almost drove off the road to get around him, and he also managed to pull himself off the ideal line a bit. Such an incident shakes you a little as a driver. I thought about it until the end of the ordeal. I don’t know how much it affected my speed, but I certainly wasn’t any faster. I have never experienced anything like this before, ”added Ostberg, who also shared a video of the event on his social media channels, where he urged viewers to think about their safety.


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